Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September is becoming October

the basil made it

through the night
a few leaves
discolored by the chill will wilt
the sun stirs the sap and wakes up the living cells
but by evening those brushed with burgundy
will be lank and on their way
to limp and rotting and you would think
heat had been the adversary
last nights
chill must have brought the sugars
out my next door neighbors
big bush honeysuckles
epileptic with little birds
invisible in its brushy leaves as
a cloud of noseeums
at a summer softball game by their acts
ye shall know them, preacher, by their acts

10 things I'll never say

Dear Ganenette,

In honour of the new year at gan (nursery / dayschool for you non-Hebrew speakers), here is a list of 10 things I wish I had the guts to say to your face:

  1. If you’re going to call me up at work demanding that I come and pick up my child because she has a temperature, please, please, please first actually take her temperature with a thermometer to confirm that she actually does have a fever. The back of your hand is not a recognised, medical instrument.
  2. If my daughter is cranky the first week back at gan, it is not a sign that she has swine ‘flu: it is a sign that she had a great time at home with her Mummy and Abba for two weeks and would rather be at the beach or swimming pool (who wouldn’t?)
  3. Why oh why oh why oh why do I have to buy books for your gan? Do I get them back when she leaves?
  4. Why oh why oh why oh why do I have to provide you with 12 packs of wet wipes and two tubes of nappy rash cream? Do I not pay you enough?
  5. Why oh why oh why oh why do I have to contribute towards gifts for your staff for New Year / Hannukah / Passover / L’ag B’Omer / the end of the year. Yes, they do a wonderful job and deserve recognition, but isn’t it actually your job to take care of your staff?
  6. Why oh why oh why oh why do I have to pay you for an entire month when you only work one week in August?
  7. Why oh why oh why oh why do you then charge us another NIS 850 for an extra week of kaytana / summer camp in August when I’ve already paid you for the whole month? What other field allows you to charge twice for the same product?
  8. Why oh why oh why oh why do I need to buy a present for the gan when it is my kid’s birthday? Surely, you should be buying her a present on her birthday?
  9. If another kid grabs my kid’s toy or bites her and makes her cry, it is not my fault because she is too delicate and no, I do not need to teach her to hit back. You need to make sure that the kids at gan learn to share and that biting is wrong (and of course us parents need to reinforce that at home).
  10. A full nappy, hands caked in play do and paint, and a face smeared with a combination of chocolate, snot and bamba is not how I wish to find my kid when I come pick her up at 4.

But alas, these are the things I will never have the guts to say to your face. Instead, I will keep smiling and buying books / toys / wet wipes / gifts etc and always the best ones, never opting for the cheap option so that you don’t take it out on my kid or think I’m a terrible parent.



Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ping - Like BBM for Iphone Users

When are they going to make a Messenger client that can allow Blackberry users to IM Iphone users???

Oh well, until then Iphone users can now talk exclusively to each other just like Blackberry owners have been doing for the past 10 years. 

Ping – Iphone


Ping works for the I-heart-my-Iphone procrastinator for:

x Passing time while talking on the phone

x Watching trash tv

x On the train, bus, car… public transport

x Good detox … after work, while writing a paper…

x Good to lull to bed

x Stop and Restart

Time to pack up the outdoor pets ... including the kids

Yep, you guessed it by the pic … fall is quite quickly on it’s way. (BTW – isn’t it interesting how simple words like “quite quickly” when put together make you sound like you have some command of the English language??).
It’s time to get the leaf rake out, pull the fish and frogs out of the pond (if you do that), find your kid that fall / winter coat, and go back to supporting your local Starbucks (personally I support local companies like Crazy Mocha in Pittsburgh, but SWB realizes most are weak towards simple advertising tactics and don’t have the strength to support local biz …. but that’s another posting). It’s also time to attempt to locate and sift through years of Christmas decorations (because you probably dumped those decorations on top of your fall decorations and don’t remember which box(s) they are in).

Why to do many look towards the season change?


We have something new to complain about …. hence:

^$%&^& heat

$^%#$^ leaves

@#%#$% snow

@#%$@ rain

… see – simple.

People think they look forward to the fall season (or spring, etc) because of things like the beauty of it, cuddles with a loved one, bringing back of childhood memories …. but no – it really is just so we can have something new to complain about, nothing more.

You know those wonderful kids that were playing outside all summer? … they will now be inside all day going “mommy Mommy MOMMYYYYYYY!!!” … or just yelling all the new obscenities they just learned at school, so we can probably at the following to our list of complaints:

%^$%^% kids

And the pets that can’t wait to get outside to do their “thing”,will now want to stay inside where it’s warm and of course, do their thing there – so we can add:

$%^%$^ dogs

#$$##$ cats

#$^%%$ fish

honey, the @%%#^ cat ate that #$%##%$ frog and two of the #$%#% fish, and my Scrooge figurine off of the train set.

So, really, why the picture of the cozy looking bench during fall in the city park?

The reality is … after you’ve made your first batch of Limoncello because you read my last article and all of the inhabitants of your household slowly move back in from the summer months ….. that’s probably where you will end up (with your bottle of Limoncello).

Well, good luck and enjoy the fall season …

… and remember to buy a house with a den that has a lockable door on it next time


PS – That thing with the cat, the frog, and the fish …. yep …. that actually happens in my house.

Salsa De Randy


Written Sunday, August 30, 2009

My friend Randy stopped by today and brought me a jar of salsa he made from fresh ingredients grown in his very own garden.

Some of you will remember Randy as the “fingers caught in the canopy guy.” For those of you that haven’t had the pleasure of hearing about Randy, you can read more about him here.

Made with fresh tomatoes, onions, green, red and jalapeno peppers along with whatever else is in there, made not only an awesome tasting salsa but a salsa quite appealing to the eye as well.

If you are a salsa lover as I am, be jealous. Be VERY VERY jealous as this was deliciously salsarific!

Thanks Randy!



Monday, September 28, 2009

I know I shouldn't blog about people at work, but...

It has recently come to my attention that four out of this company’s 16 employees – a full 25% – are wearing glasses held together by quintessentially nerdist means. I know we are a geophysical data processing firm, but seriously! I mean really, could we get any more cliché:

Culprit 1: Scotch tape (keeping it simple with what’s at hand)

Culprit 2: Plastic shrink-wrap sleeve reinforced with Scotch tape (because I’m – yes, of course I’m on this list too – an all or nothing kind of gal, in my loves, in my dreams, and apparently in my DIY eyewear repairs)

Culprit 3: Electrical tape (for a more discreet look, because one can never sacrifice style)

Culprit 4: An ungainly silver ball of soldering (because one must have style before one can sacrifice it)

I don’t dare rank us in terms of nerdiness, but you’re welcome give it a try. Oh, and sorry #4, but look on the bright side; I’m sure your repair will outlast all of ours. And anyways, there’s something to be said for a touch of asymmetrical nerd bling – Jay-Z would be proud~wink.

Unordered Lists for the Win!

  • I love this time of year… good football, good weather… it rocks.
  • Iowa, UNI, the Vikings, and the Colts all won this weekend… Iowa in a huge upset, UNI by near blowout, Vikings at the wire, and Colts by their usual pounding of bad defenses.
  • Getting your homework done on Friday means you have all weekend to do whatever you want.
  • Getting your homework done on Friday means you have the potential to be bored all weekend.
  • Getting your homework done on Friday means you didn’t do anything that night… LAME!
  • Maintaining 3 blogs with any sort of frequency is actually quite mind-taxing.  Thankfully, the one that actually “matters” (i.e. The one that’s not mine) is only a 1-2x weekly thing.
  • Everyone is getting sick.  Not good.
  • My throat is starting to get that weird, sickly feeling to it.  Not a fan.
  • Calvin and Hobbes cartoons are fantastic.  I liked them when I was a kid, but now that I’m older, I realize that I understand things so much better.
  • I love this weather.
  • I’m getting really annoyed with the was some things are in my life, and I’ve resolved to change them.  Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon.
  • My 5 classes… Macro: hilarious and intriguing.  Info Systems: mind-numbing and easy.  Humanities: boring and painful.  Physics: involving and interesting.  Personal Wellness: yawn and yawn.
  • Trying to debate on what to replace first, my computer or my TV.  Computer(s) are old, but can still do what I want.  My TV is old, the remote has no volume, and I think it’s just high time to replace it.  Thoughts?
  • Sugar Free Red Bull has less kick than regular Red Bull, but is still delicious.  However, I’m still sleepy.
  • How does Biscotti’s get away with charging $3.25 for a ham and cheese sandwich?
  • Lysol does a marvelous job of killing odors.  I tested it in a harsh environment yesterday, and it performed beautifully.  Maybe I should invest…
  • Since the school year began, I’m pretty sure that I’ve only played disc golf 3 times.  Maybe 4.  This sucks.
  • I also haven’t gone to the WRC like I was planning on doing.  Sad face.
  • Delicious sandwich… Jalapeno Cheddar wrap, with turkey, salami, bacon, colby jack, and provolone (yes, I would like that toasted, thanks), a bit of lettuce and onions, some jalapenos, and some chipotle mayo.
  • I’ve determined men need some form of HUD that easily identifies women as single, taken, engaged/married, or “don’t f*** with me”.  Especially during this time of year, when women have the sweatshirts that cover up most of their hands.  I wouldn’t call it a time-waster, but a minor inconvenience to be sure.
  • Fantasy Football messes with my head.
  • Along those lines… going to/playing in the late church service when you’re in the central time zone is not conducive to making last minute roster adjustments.  Therefore, DeSean Jackson sat on my bench and scored me 26 points, more than any other starter currently.  Granted, I’m still winning, but it’s still frustrating.
  • Have I mentioned that I love this weather?
  • John Mayer is a freak of nature, and his hands are absolutely gigantic.  This becomes increasingly noticeable (as well as increasingly frustrating) when attempting to learn how to play his songs.  Do they make racks for hands?  I could use the stretch.
  • I haven’t done anything that I would consider stupid/fun since school started.  This is a problem.  I was going to attempt something, but circumstances at the time made me think about it, and I decided to postpone it.
  • Why do people leave flash drives behind in computer labs all the time?  Our lost and found box is currently full of about 10 of these things… one of which hasn’t been collected for 3 weeks (and I may acquire for my Christmas card idea…).
  • Remember my earlier statement about Red Bull?  Well, I’m awake now, but as it gets warmer, the taste gets pretty gross…
  • I haven’t drank in a couple of weeks.  I credit this to the attempted stupid/fun thing that I bailed on a couple weeks back.  Just haven’t had the desire or the opportunity.  Saves me some money, that’s for sure.
  • Along those same lines… I haven’t really played video games in that time either.  The two people I would frequently play with are either busy with their NCAA Football dynasty (which I may have to join in on…), have internet so bad that they can’t play online (odd for CFU), or are busy with being an RA/class/football/being injured.  Thus, I am bored, and when I am bored, I study.  Lose-Win, I guess.
  • This job is by far one of the most boring jobs I’ve ever had.  At the same time, I’m not complaining one bit.  I love it.

And that’s all the rambling I have time for.  Enjoy your day/week.

Setup & Teardown

Well, we are now officially in the setup and teardown mode again.  It has been a long time since I was a part of the setup and teardown at Fort Worth.  We are back there again.  This past Friday and Saturday we had training on our new system and setup.  It’s good stuff!  I’m excited.  Starting this coming Sunday, we will finally be moved into the theaters in Aliso Viejo and working with all new stuff.  Pray for us!  We want to reach the community that is all around the area and God has put us in a prime place to do it!

Now we just have to finish tying up loose ends and a few remaining details.  We will be moving out of the current building on Tuesday and moving into a temporary hub until our office space is finished.  I think I have worked my brain harder the past two weeks than potentially ever before and I don’t think that the next two weeks will really be much different.  There is still a lot to do.  Thank you for all your prayers.  Don’t stop them now!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Singapore F1 Grand Prix

I can see that from a technical and strategy perspective it was an interesting race, but from a spectator point of view (well mine at least) it was pretty boring. Pretty much a case of follow the leader.

It was a bit like putting colored balls down a tube (one they only just fit in), they were going to come out in the same order they went in. OK, I know it’s not as simple as that but it certainly seemed that way.

Settling Down, After a Career of Cameos (Jane Lynch)

Arts / Television Settling Down, After a Career of Cameos By ARI KARPEL Published: September 27, 2009 Jane Lynch’s flair for playing authority figures on absurd power trips serves her well on the Fox series “Glee.”

IN the first episode of the Fox series “Glee” there are stirring renditions of classic pop songs (“Don’t Stop Believing”) and funny-but-earnest declarations from angst-ridden high school students. (“Being a part of something special makes you special, right?”)

But the scene that signals that “Glee” would not be yet another sugary “High School Musical” is delivered by a tracksuit-wearing, bullhorn-toting cheerleading coach: “You think this is hard?” she lectures some of her not-up-to-snuff charges. “Try being waterboarded. That’s hard.”

Check out the rest of the article here:

Source: Thanks to The New York Times

Prophecy 27th September

Prophecy 27th September



This prophecy came to me last night
There is a star a bright shining star coming, brighter than any star that has ever been seen before.
There was a star known as the star of Bethlehem, which was seen to announce the coming of the Messiah Yeshua Hameshia. But, this coming star shall be brighter than that star, it will be seen soon, it is not far, yet it is not near, it will be seen to announce the second coming of the Son of Man, Yeshua Hamashia.



Saturday, September 26, 2009

When you lack money or have too much free time

When your wardrobe starts to get full,

and you wish half of the clothes aren’t there,

or when you wish you did not buy them in the first place,

so you could save some money which you had already spent,

turn to,

A place to get rid of your old stuffs.

Unless old stuffs go away, new stuffs would not come.

Plus, old $$$ comes flowing back too.

For more information, visit or

Alternatively, scroll down and drop me a message.

Courgar Town

So, I missed the beginning of Courgartown last night, but got to watch most of it. First off, I totally love the casting of Courtney Cox. She makes a great Cougar However, the scripting?, directing?, really??? I mean OK, I’ll buy that they’re trying to make a comedy of sorts out of the situation, but seriously people, she comes across as having the maturity level and common sense of most teenagers. This is a show that I think could be a fun, funny, yet realistic view into the life of divorced women in general and older divorced women specifically. After watching it I felt like all it did was reinforce the old stereotypes about poor, pathetic, desperate divorcee’s. And, ok, I’ll admit to this being a bit of jealousy talking, but that house? really? could we perhaps have a slightly more realistic show here. Ok, ok, she’s a real estate agent and maybe its just that I live in a different world but very few single parents I know can afford that kind of luxory. Just sayin’…


Is it silly that I buy pasta sauce just so I can dump the sauce down the drain & keep the jar? Okay, okay- I don’t always dump the sauce down the drain. Sometimes I pour it into another container & let it sit in my refrigerator for 6 months until I throw it away. I don’t mean to be wasteful, I just really hate pasta.

Anyway, I’m getting away from the point. Jars. I love jars, especially mason jars. I like putting flowers in them. There are always a lot of flowers in my house cos I have 9 rose bushes in my front yard. Sometimes I like to fill jars with marbles or rocks. Sometimes I like to drink my iced tea out of a jar. Sometimes I put my cat’s favorite toy mouse in a jar & watch him try to get the little sucker outta there, cos it really is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

But what I really want to do with all of my jars is make a ceiling piece, much like the one to the left. Isn’t it wonderful? I have no idea where I would do this. There’s no room in my house. I am thinking of moving just so I have space to hang some jars. That’s not a dumb idea, right? I didn’t think so.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Favorite Music Artists . . .

So, the last post inspired me to write down my favorite music artists according to category.

Top Fives (in no special order)

Single Female Artists

A Fine Frenzy

Sarah McLachlan

Tori Amos

Avril Lavigne

Taylor Swift

Single Male Artists

Jason Mraz

Pete Yorn

Josh Groban

Tim McGraw

David Cook


The Fray

Life House



Snow Patrol

Other Honorable Mentions

Pink (edited)


Regina Spektor

Kelly Clarkson

Sarah Bareilles

Then, of course, there are several artists that have one or two songs I really love. But I’m not sure I would refer to them as my top favorites.

P.S. I got awesome red highlights in my hair. Just thought I would throw that in.

I just got hit by a pigeon!

I was taking a walk around the area near my flat; I figure if I’m going to live here for the next year, I might as well get to know the place a bit.  I’m cruising along, getting a feel for the lay of the streets, when suddenly PIGEON!  Damn thing flew down in front of me and nailed me in the stomach.  I suppose it was inevitable, there are pigeons everywhere.  Waiting at Heathrow Central bus station, there were pigeons wandering around inside the terminal, cocky as anything.  (Cocky.  It’s a bird pun.)  They’ve got ‘em all over in Bristol too, with the charming addition of the occasional seagull.

Obviously I made it to Bristol.  At the moment, my circadian rhythms are pretty much kicking my ass.  For anyone who’s never experienced true jetlag, it’s basically a mindscrew for your body.  You don’t know what’s what or when, and it sucks.  A lot.  Can’t sleep at night, because my system insists it’s only 4 in the afternoon, can’t wake up in the mornings because it feels like 2 am.  I need a reset/synchronize button in a bad way.

There’s a ton I could write about right now, descriptions of the flat and Bristol and all the like, but that can wait.  The flat won’t change significantly in the next week or three, and I don’t want to make a monster post.  I’ll probably try to get a few first impressions recorded in the next day or two, while I still remember them, but that’s going to have to wait until I’m thinking a bit more clearly.  For now, I think I may go check out the International Office at the Uni.  Maybe they’ll have helpful advice for a poor, lost Yank.

Prudish parenting?

 I was watching the late evening news on Channel 10 the other night, and right at the end, in the slot reserved for the cute, funny story / video clip, they showed this ad for

Now, date rape, sexual harassment and abuse are never funny. But what got me was the way in which presenter Guy Zoher decided to introduce the clip: “Here’s an ad that the Second Broadcasting Authority would never approve,” he says.

“Good on Channel 10; good on the Second Broadcasting Authority!” you might be thinking to yourself, “good on them for pointing out that this is no laughing matter, despite the 26,000 plus hits this has on YouTube.” You might even be thinking to yourself that Channel 10 might really, actually be the quality alternative to Channel 2 that it purports to be and that it’s a good thing that they got a stay of execution in their drawn-out battle over their franchise.

But (I bet you knew I was working myself up to a big but), unfortunately the sad truth is that the Second Broadcasting Authority – the body responsible for monitoring the content on Israel’s two commercial TV stations and on the commercial, regional radio stations – probably would have approved a similar ad.

Let’s take a look at the kind of stuff they have approved in the past: The various ads for Fox clothing, including the Bar Raphaeli-Noam-From-Survivor one; those really high-brow Tapuzina ads such as this one  or this one; and numerous risqué ads for Castro clothing (after all, it’s “Designed for Desire”) like this and this. Just what is it about the big breasts / white T-shirt / hose pipe combo that gets those creative juices flowing? 

I’m not letting Channel 10 off the hook, either. This is the same station that played promos for their latest season of  Survivor showing the female contestants mud wrestling and pulling off each other’s bikinis back to back with promos for an exposé on Israel’s porn industry without the slightest hint of irony!

Now, of course, sex sells. Any 5-year-old knows that. But that’s precisely my problem. Perhaps becoming a parent has turned me into a prude, but I think there’s something very wrong when TV programmes, ads and promos as sexually explicit as some of the above are shown at all hours of the day. I remember when I was growing up that there was such a thing as a watershed where you couldn’t say certain words or show certain parts of the body before a certain hour. I also don’t really want to hear Lily Allen croon “F**k you, f**k you very, very much” on the radio as I drive my daughter to nursery, however sweetly she sings it. And am I the only one not amused by pre-teens using ‘f***ing’ as an adjective in every sentence?

I’m all too aware of the fact that Israel is not a “normal country” in the sense that children here are often exposed to death, violence, war and terror attacks from a very young age. So how’s a bit of tit and ass gonna hurt them, or some profanities (especially if they’re in a foreign language)? But on the other hand, don’t we actually have an even bigger responsibility to let them be kids for as long as possible?

Looking at Emma, I can’t get over how quickly two years have gone. And it makes me very sad to think that the day she says her first four-letter word isn’t that far off…

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How To Control Pet HAIR !

I just found one item that can help on keeping the pet hair under control. So I was at Target and I bought two for one deal! I was very excited It’s called

It’s the best thing ever. It really work’s i use it for the sofas and the car. The one problem that i did find, is that once’s they are full of hair you have to get rid of them.

But today I was cleaning the carpet and then using the vacuum, I noticed that you can use one of the skinny attachments. Such as the one for corners. I stuck it in the middle of the two section of the Fabric Sweeper and it emptied it out!!   So I can reuse this over and over ! I reused it right away and it’s still collecting my dog’s hair.

The attachment  looks like the one on the left bottom side. It’s tip is at an angle.

Hope It work’s for you   Leave comments on any other pet hair control ideas!

A sea of thoughts,

Yup that was how I was feeling after I got off at Eunos.
Mugged w Rachel Serene Cass Claire after a school of chiong-ness.
Everything was so chiong & etc but overall 445 day was not bad!!

Chem-day-continued again. Wasn’t that bad after the break heh.
Other than being reallllly tired, lessons weren’t that bad.
First time I really felt involved in History & Mrs Tan BK is damn nice.
The motivation slides & the Starburst (sp?) sweets hahaha.

Hahaahah half-mugged Math & then went home ’round 7.
Missed three 30s okay wth hahaah but we didn’t have to wait v long for the 4th one heh.
Talked talked talked. & I suddenly thought a lot.
Random thoughts of enive, guanyue, fockers, sixkay etc etc etc.

Haahahh I would share my thoughts w ya’ll since not many people know this blog huh.
But hahaha it’ll probably bore everyone out so yup if you wanna know, ASK ASK hahaha.
(Though I doubt anyone would give a shit lah hahaaha)

Hm my blog’s boring w all text & no pictures but wait!!
I’m still in the midst of motivating myself to transfer pictures hahaha.

Okay lah mug+ball w the usual fockers I think. (L) lots hahahaa!!
Can’t wait can’t wait!!

“Only know how to laugh” – Claire Tan

I hate Goodbyes. I hate Endings.

Yesterday was my class’ goodbye/farewell/whatever-you-call-it party. It kinda sucked lol.

I was like HELL YEAH NO MORE SCHOOL!! but now, today, i realize that I’m actually a lil heart-sore..

That’s totally not like me but that’s how I feeeel.. Urrrgh I hate being down =.= Sometimes it can’t be helped I guess.. >///<

Oh and btw, I looked UGLY in all the pictures T.T They were like HORROR-BLE!! But somehow I’ve come to realize that I have to accept it. That’s the face I have to live with til I die LOL. Seriously..

D-25. Countdown til my exams start -sigh-

ps; I’m watching this totally weird/crazy/weird/awesome/weird/hilarious/weird korean drama called Style. It’s a lil like Ugly Betty and The Devil wears Prada. I LUUURVE IT~~~ haha.

He could make anyone melllllt XD <3

LOL, no I’m not laughing out loud. It could be Lots Of Love too right? keke


Jay Park’s Baby Cupcake (:

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm In A Mood

Most of my life I have been in a pretty good mood. I always try to see the bright side of life and even in times of strife there is usually a tinge of happiness to be found. Call it optimism or call it stupidity, I call it a survival mechanism. But even us “glass half full or beer” people can have moments of “fuck my life”. (That’s my new exclamation. Like it?) Here are some resent MRAAHHH’’s!

I love NPR. For those who don’t know what NPR is it stands for News Public Radio and most liberal arts universities have a relay for it on their campus. I particularly enjoy the evening program “All Things Considered” which along with news they have stories on topics rarely discussed in the crap we call news on TV. You can be driving in the most desolate areas in the country but in mind, you are in a hospital far off in the Congo or a kitchen in south Bronx listening to a 15 year old girl who raises all her siblings in the midst of gang violence. This program allows us to understand what many chose not to.

But there is a segment that makes me want to jerk the wheel into a goddamn bridge abutment. It is when they allow authors and poets read a segment of their work. People who write shouldn’t be allowed to read, especially those who All Things Consider’s, well, consider. You wouldn’t want Stephen King narrating his stories, would you? He’s as close to a human beaver as it comes.

A particular poet/reader had me fidgeting like a day three meth-trip. She spoke so softly I had the radio volume turned all the way up as she over enunciates every single word. I could only liken this to a woman trying to teach a deaf person to read lips by repeating “EGG! MC! MUF FFFF FFF IN!” This made my patients dip so low I took a huge swig of my boiling coffee, completely forgetting I just bought it and still, as I type, I taste only cardboard. Oh! I forgot, you could hear her nose whistle come through loud and clear. Fuck my life!

I know this is petty but still, given the choice between listen to a smug poet read her work from the next room of a recording booth or having a fat guy eat on apple out of anger over a megaphone in a small bathroom, I would choose the latter.

Text messaging is a great invention. Those of you who read this and actually know me in “real life” know that I abuse texting. To me, it is to the point and it leaves out opportunities to be stuck in a conversation about how someone’s dog ate blueberries from the kitchen table and shit a Jackson Pollack on the living room carpet. But there also is a time and place.

Recently I went out to dinner with a friend. She’s a good person but she is also one of those people who have little regard for other people. I guess everything has come easy to her and it doesn’t occur to her that there are other people on the planet. I tolerate her.

Well, about halfway through dinner she gets into a texting battle that lasts the rest of the meal. My phone went off at least six times but I would never think of that disruption at dinner. She just didn’t get that when two people are at dinner and one is on the phone, that makes the other feel bad. And look bad. By the time she was done I had drunk two shots, had three beers and spelled “suck my ass” in peas upside down on my plate of Pad Tai. Like I said, she can’t help being who she is. That’s why I tolerate her.

Nonverbal facial gestures with eyebrows from someone I don’t know makes me want to reply with nonverbal hand gestures with my middle fingers. I was next in line at the bagel shop and when it was my turn the tattooed, pierced, blue haired dude gave me an eyebrow gesture as if to say, “You are next retard”. I didn’t thank him after the transaction. Showed him. Wait a minute…he didn’t thank me!

Got my car totally fixed! But in the waiting room I had to watch “The View” on their TV. Don’t even get me started and don’t get me wrong, I am all about women and 100% equality but this show actually removed very important brain cells. When the mechanic was finished he asked for a form of payment and I responded, “Yes. Have some.”

If this makes some people angry, I am sorry. I just lied to you. I’m not and I don’t care. Whoopie needed to stay in the 1980’s. I am still disappointed in Ted Danson because that’s gross, man. That officially killed Cheers.

It just hit me that I am a 31 year old guy, living by myself with a cat in Idaho. I am Jon Arbuckle. Fuck my life.

*Back on track with the Fall theme tomorrow folks! I’ll be in a better mood by then. *

Fuck if I know!

In the interest of taking my mind off of the million things I have to do (assemble and address invites, find a new home or homes for my cats, clean my house, do actual WORK at work, etc), let’s take a humorous look at some of the leading search terms that bring people to my little slice of paradise, shall we?

1.  “how to not worry about things”

Hmmm, when you get that figured out, would you let me know?  Because I could totally use a lesson in how to take my mind off of the multitude of things that worry me and stress me out.  What usually works for me is drinking several glasses of wine and then passing out.  Worst case scenario:  I’ll wake up in puddle of my own drool with a massive headache.  Best case scenario:  total and utter unconsciousness.  Perfect.

2.  “what life should be mid 20s”

If you guessed:  a series of mistakes mixed with a few occasions of total and utter happiness and pride combined with far too many drunken escapades where you wake up naked next to someone whose name you can’t remember thrown in with too many shitty jobs and too little pay, then you’d be right.

Only, if you were me it would go something like this:  blah blah shitty family, blah blah, broke all the time, blah blah owning a house that plummeted in value 1 year after you bought it, blah blah, but at least I love my fiance’!

3.  “chasing paradise wordpress”

Hi.  Thank you for googling my blog, Chasing Paradise.  You might want to bookmark it.  Or subscribe to it via your Google reader.  You know, just to cut down the search time. 

4.  “slutty lingerie”

I assume this must be brought to us via my Sexy Little Things post, wherein I showed everyone my wedding day lingerie.  I didn’t find it slutty in the least, but if you did, then fuck you.  No seriously.  I kid, I kid!

And finally, my top personal favorite…

 5.  “why does my friend stay with her bf when he treats her like shit?”

This one drives a lot of traffic to my site.  For reals.  It’s constantly one of the most used searches that bring people here.  I guess there are a lot of people out there in my situation that basically has to tolerate seeing a good friend get shat on (yes I said shat) by a major douchebag.  In the case of my friend, I have no idea why she stays.  He is so unappreciative of what he has in her, and it’s sickening.  But I’ve learned, rather slowly and painfully, that the best thing you can do is…NOTHING.  Be there for your friend.  Only give your opinion when asked for it.  And most of all, support her no matter what.  Leaving him is a decision she’ll have to make on her own and in her own time.

Now, does anyone know where I can find a stiff cocktail and a huge piece of cheesecake at the unGodly hour of 10:00 a.m.?

No?  Thanks anyway.

1.5 sem more to go :)

Screw the student web mail !
Stayed up late till 3am,waiting for the results but to no avail.
Gave up & force myself to sleep..
However,.. ended up tossing around non-stop for 2 hrs.
Woke up at 5:05am to check .
Thanks goodness,.. it’s out by then.
Apparently,the mail came in at 3:45am -.-

Pass everything! Including pathology which i’ve been failing so badly! & well,.. mostly B!
GPA increase by just the tiny little bit.

:] 1 less worry down!

Left bf a msg to inform him that the results came out already.
& yeah, back to bed till now.
It’s already 2:43pm. Half the day gone again,
Nice one.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Almost home from Georgia now: outdoors in the sunshine eating basil-mozzerella-tomato-bread salad

Bronze girl statue with butterfly

Almost home now.  Only eighty miles of driving before hugging Barry “hello!” and hearing what’s been happening here in the Upper Peninsula during the past five days.  But first:  must eat dinner and have an outdoors adventure. What better outdoor experience than to sit overlooking Lake Superior here in Marquette, eating the most lovely gourmet salad at L’Attitude and writing a blog?  It’s probably 75 degrees and so beautiful!  Who would believe this is the first full day of autumn here in North Country?


Part of me still remains back in Georgia, wondering how all the folks are handling the flooding.  It’s really dicey in some of the northern Atlanta suburbs.  At last count, six to eight people had died in the flooding following torrential downpours for days.  The shuttle driver was even a little apprehensive about getting us to the airport safely and on time.  He drove over flooded highways yesterday evening and seemed a little cautious. 

We all eyed the Yellow River as we passed over.  It lapped hungrily just a few inches from the busy highway.  “If the Yellow River crests,” our shuttle driver said ominously, “We’ll be cut off from Atlanta.”

Luckily, the river only churned in its red-orange-brown fury of too much rain.  We crossed over the bridge and made it safely to the airport.  The other problem involves the shallow root system of the trees.  With the drenched soil, many big trees are toppling, slamming into houses and roofs.  Not a good scenario.

Butterfly (2nd view)

But let’s backtrack to yesterday.  Back to the state Botanical Gardens in Athens.  Oh, it was a lovely time in between rain showers!  And have you noticed what elusive image was captured digitally?  A butterfly with wings opened and closed!  I have been furtively stalking butterflies all summer, with very little success.  They land, nibble on flowers, and depart, all before the camera is properly aimed.  Thank goodness for an entire garden of flowers!  They grow lazy there, drunk on nectar.  And I got a shot at them.  Thank you, Butterfly, for cooperating.

Pink flower over tile

The two flights back home proved enjoyable today.  No fuss.  No real delays.  If you have Gypsy blood and travel a lot, you experience all sorts of challenging experiences on airplanes and airports.  I could write a book, I tell you, of traveling adventures!  How you learn, over and over and over again basic lessons about trust and faith.  (Even this morning, when the Mind tried to worry about flooded culverts and bridges and swept-away roads…it was necessary to surrender to something beyond the Mind’s tendency to worry and exaggerate and fuss.)

Statue called "Peace"

This statue of a dove of peace in the gardens summarizes this very well.  Our minds create peace or war.  What do we choose in each moment?

Family of red flowers

Right now I choose to eat some more salad.  Excuse me.  Excuse these Lake Superior flies too.  Must keep swatting them away.  Lovingly, of course.

Black rain-soaked leaf

This black rain-soaked leaf looked so stunning.  Almost mystical.  Let’s make this leaf our transition between summer and autumn, between Georgia and Michigan,between rain and sunlight.  Hope everyone enjoyed their fall equinox!

The Moon Will Show Me How??? Random Tuesday Thoughts

If you want to play along with Random Tuesday Thoughts, go here to get the widget and add your name to Mr. Linky.

Happy Tuesday and Happy Randomness!  You know how much I like a good random string of thoughts.  So without further ado… Random Tuesday Thoughts…

I got paid a pretty awesome-TASTIC compliment last night.  My Dad said “I wish I had been half the Dad to you kids that you are a Mom to Monkey.”

How awesome is that?!?!

It made me feel really great to get such a wonderful compliment from my parent about my parenting skills.  Woot Woot!

This was the conversation that went on in my bed at just before 2 am this morning.

Hubby:    The moon will show you how.

Me waking up out of a dead sleep:    Huh?  What’s wrong hon? What’d you say?

Hubby:   The MOON will show you how!

Me:    Ummm… Are you talking in your sleep?


Me confused:    The MOON?

Hubby annoyed:    Yes, the MOON. That thing in the sky!?

Me:   Ummmm………………….???

Hubby:   *snores*

Me:   Oh brother. *eyeroll*

Another random outburst from Hubby’s sleeping mind in the wee hours of the night.  This happens often and he never remembers.  Great fun.

Yesterday we had our ultrasound.  It didn’t go great.  There was no heartbeat, and I am only measuring at 5 weeks and 5 days.  Not great news folks.  Another ultrasound next Tuesday to see if we made any changes.  It just seems that this keeps dragging on and on and on.  At this point I just need to know.  It is very frustrating to not know.

Having the TV back is WONNN-ONNN-ONNDERFUL!!!  We are going to try and limit our time, but with fall shows coming back (woohooo!) I am anxiously awaiting some of my fav’s.  It was a great learning experience for us, and we will for sure do turn off the TV week in May, but having it back (especially since we are getting MORE rain *gag*) it helps keep me sane.  And it helps keep Monkey sane.  He gets cabin fever.

It is mean that I call my son Freddy Krueger because he refuses to let me cut his finger nails??  I’m going to have to get them registered if he won’t let me cut them soon…

“Yes I am here to register my son’s toenails as deadly weapons.” Hah!

Every time I try to cut them he starts screaming and wiggling like I am going to cut his hand off.  I am holding BABY clippers y’all!! Not a chainsaw!!  It’s quite a show.  *eyeroll*

Speaking of my little mountain climber, yesterday morning he decided to climb out of his crib for the first time.  Freaked him out!  Not nearly as much as it scared me, I’m sure.  But he was fine, just a little shaken up.

So last night, Hubby converted his crib to a toddler bed and we baby proofed every square inch of his room.  Lucky for us he sleeps with the door closed and can’t turn door knobs yet.  That should be fun when that occurs.

So I put some toys in there in hopes of getting him to stay quiet for just an extra few minutes as to afford Mommy a few extra winks.  Which actually worked out ok for about 30 minutes this morning.  It would have worked better though, if I didn’t have Mommy Radar.  You  know… the radar that makes me shoot out of a complete sleep as soon as his breathing changes on the monitor?  Yeah so I was awake but at least able to lie in bed and pretend to sleep for another 30 minutes this morning.

His room looks pretty good though, don’t you think?

And yes that is a baby gate in the window to keep him away from the blinds.  Can’t afford to replace the blinds, but can’t afford to have him swinging from them or hanging himself on them either.  So his room is 100% baby proof now!!

Ok, I will stop with the random craziness!

Have a great day y’all!!

The End of My Twisted Summer Vacation &/or The Memorial Tour

Tomorrow the pool will be closed.  My summer was spent mostly on Mafia Wars, not poolside, but I like looking out the window and seeing the attractive blue color.  The husband spent hours and hours and hours keeping it that way.  There were people actually in the water less than 12 hours total.  Personally, I did not spend an hour, not half an hour.

Except for a week on the road I sat with my laptop and cell phone in front of a big screen.  I learned to text message this summer, sending hundreds of them.  It would not have been a really big deal if I’d had no use of my legs.  (As it would happen, my favorite story this season was that of a man who met a woman on, then found out she was in a wheelchair only when he had to carry her to the car on their dinner date.) 

I thought living in a big house with all the associated accoutrements would make me happy.  Well, if finding out interesting things about yourself brings joy then I’m a gleeful mofo.  My mid-life revelations have all been surprising.  There are so many things I previously observed other people do and judged harshly,  insisted “NO WAY.”  Then I did them.  Pretty sure I would have eventually made the same revelations in a studio apartment. 

I am like my mother in so many ways that if I was really, really consistent and true to myself I’d commit suicide.  I am also unlike my mother in so many ways that it just saves me.

In August I drove to Kentucky (again) and took stops along the way in Pennsylvania and Illinois.  My daughter stayed in Pittsburgh with her paternal aunt and hated it.  It was her very first time being away from either parent.  She told me she believes I am “like a queen” now after “living in anorexia.”  We all live these private lives & have different ways of doing things that we don’t even share with our closest relatives.  They’re as foreign as if we were born in different countries. 

A single tiny chicken cutlet served with applesauce and canned carrots might as well have been a serving of pig’s feet in my daughter’s experience.  Her aunt actually told the rest of the family, “R is ALWAYS hungry.”  R no longer wants to call her “Aunt” Bev and insists I change our will so that she is not ever left in her care again.  For crying out loud, the girl grew 6 inches in the last year and is nearly 5′8″.

I drove on to Illinois and visited with a cast of characters.  My aunt and uncle, as always, were a happy highlight of the trip, reminding me that there are close family members who have never (1) spent time in jail OR prison or (2) resembled something off a “Po’ White Trash” calendar or (3) played pornography on the television during daylight hours with young children in the vicinity.

It was interesting meeting my brother Jim’s girlfriend’s new lover, a guy that’s both living in his house and doing his chick.  It would take approximately four of the new guy to even come close to Jim’s size.  He was utterly lovely and answered every single one of my very nosy questions without batting an eye, including being quizzed about how soon they got together and at what point he moved into the house.  No one could ever take Jim’s place, not even with Julie.  I was surprised to discover that her oldest daughter still calls Jim’s cell phone every single day to hear his voice.  Of course then I had to do the same thing, not knowing previously that the account still exists.

Burt, who I found on Facebook after years of searching, went along for the ride and provided moral support.  It was the first time we’d seen each other since 1983.  (Holy f*ck.)  We could have passed on the street without recognition.  I am now blonde, but had dark hair then: 

He was pre-Marine Corps and obviously now post:

I’d describe him then as a combination soulmate/hand-picked family member/favorite person in the world.  True to form, I ran away in search of depravity & self-destruction.  He still hates me for oh so many reasons.  My regrets are huge & he has replied to that statement with “Too fucking bad.  Live with it.”  No namby-pamby bullshit with him.

Even amidst the complications of his torturously photographic memory and my maniacally selfish behavior, he was still willing to take me to Steak ‘n Shake and travel through darkened corn fields to reach my hometown.  I’m pretty lucky he didn’t strangle me in the dark and toss my body between the rows.  After all, he is now a member of the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame.

* * * * *

It was my delight to be the person who picked up my niece from prison and took her home after nearly two years.  The end of that story has not been written, as she will be heading to Kentucky on Wednesday into the snake pit that consists of my mother, her mother (my sister) and a multitude of f*ckery.

Yep, this is the face of the prisoner.  WTF?!

When we arrived at my nephew’s house, where S would be staying until court, we were met by his beautiful 2-year old amidst the 20 or so broken down vehicles parked in the yard.  Hailee had used an electric razor to shave a 2-inch swath down the middle of her head, making a reverse mohawk.  According to my sister’s ex-husband, who also lives there, it probably happened when her mama was posing naked in front of the living room webcam.  He’d caught her entertaining someone that way a few days before our visit.

That would be my nephew’s fiancee, the girl whose parents were both on death row before her mother died in prison last year.  She’s both beautiful and crazier ‘n hell.  I’m sure that’s how she found our family, with dysfunctional sonar.

* * * * *

Kentucky was the last stop before saving R from Anorexia.  It was my sister’s birthday and the anniversary of my brother’s death two days later.  Our plan was to get matching tattoos, but the day to day details of taking care of three children ages 1, 2 and 3 made that impossible.  However, I’m still getting the freaking tattoo.   

Since this was my third trip in less than six months I was able to see a little clearer picture and experience more of the anger my sister barely contains.  She is miserable without her friends nearby, stuck in a house with either my mother or the kids at all times.  Her boyfriend is such an idiot that he’s jealous if the man next door stops by to play horseshoes, as if she would blow him on the kid’s trampoline.  (If she did it might at least take away a bit of her isolation and hatred for life in general.)

By the time I’d stayed just two nights I had both sister and mother in stereophonic sound stating that I wanted the kids to like me too much, acting as if I was being a show-off for trying to keep them happy even during things like clothing changes and bedtime.  Always a fan of the underdog, the boy is my favorite and it rubs everyone the wrong way when I make it clear I think he’s perfect in every way, when I insist he does not have ADD or anything of the sort.  However, arguing with my sister does not make it better for him when I eventually get in my car and drive nearly 1,000 miles to the east.

* * * * *

My niece has been out of prison for almost a month now and last weekend was her first time to Kentucky, her first time to see her kids.  She, too, was accused of being “too nice,” told she needed to “toughen up.”  When she took the baby to my mother’s house the toddler stepped in dog pee the moment she walked in the door.  My mother was angered by the ridiculous idea that her feet needed to be washed off thoroughly, what was the big deal?

Mom then offered S, a 22-year old, her old bras and underwear.  S gained weight during her prison stay, but she is still under 200 pounds.  My mother is over 250 & a filthy pig.  Mom advised her that her jeans were inappropriately tight.  This is the same c*nt who used to insist that I should buy my clothing in the men’s department. 

End result, my niece is no longer excited about going to Kentucky.

Of course, that might have something to do with the fact that she got drunk with her mother the last night she was there.  According to her reports she “only drank four beers” but then “threw up all over” her own shirt.  Yes, my 48-year old sister got drunk with her daughter the paroled crackhead.  Did she think it would be a bonding experience or was she just in the mood to tell her how completely she’s f*cked up both of their lives?  Either way, her motivational efforts had the opposite effect.

Although S has signed away rights to the children, assigning them directly to my sister, the idiotic familial expectation is that she will step right back in and begin taking care of them.  My sister and mother both feel so strongly about this subject that I could not speak up against it, could only stand there waiting for flies to occupy my mouth and throat.  In reality, after all the craziness, it might even be the best plan.

I did make a discovery that made it all worthwhile, the stash of photo albums hidden in my mother’s sunroom.  The scanning will take me weeks or months, but some of the pictures are priceless.  Here’s a sample:

This is at my mother’s wedding to her second husband in 1967, all six of us.

Penny (6), Scott (6), Jodi (8), Pam (7), Jimmy (3) and Shannon (3).

* * * * *

In the meantime, my son graduated with his Master’s degree and moved to San Diego.  He’s doing really well and seems happy, which is pretty much the best I could ask for.  He lives on the beach and tells me the people are “ridiculously beautiful,” then laughs.  Here’s a before and after of that, too:

* * * * *

Driving back to New Jersey late at night on the anniversary of my brother’s death, I decided to call Jim’s cell phone again.  As I listened to his voice the car lights lit up a big green exit sign that said “Pewee Valley.”  Our father’s nickname was PeeWee.  Dad died when Jim was only six years old and the sadness of that loss permeated his life.  It was the perfect wrap-up to my memorial tour, acknowledgment that Jim is with Dad and happy at last.

* * * * *

So how was your summer?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ten Important Things That Were A Part of the Best Weekend I've Had in a Long Time...

1. white chocolate raspberry truffle ice cream
2. getting off work early!
3. sitting in cafe’s reading books that actually have nothing to do with school
4. mountain biking
5. late night conversations
6. stargazing…
7. really awesome fantabulous friends
8. a totally epic message at church on Sunday…
9. dancing! with more to come! yay!
10. knowing that behind everything I don’t understand, there’s Someone who does.

99 Lines About..Me

Here is the infamous 99 Things About Me meme.

1. Started your own blog.
Yep. You’re reading it
2. Slept under the stars.
At Camp Pembroke, for sure. But at outdoor events there was more gossiping and giggling than sleeping donw.
3. Played in a band.
Yes- NHS high school.
4. Visited Hawaii.
No. Want to and see Tammy and CK .
5. Watched a meteor shower.
Yes. One summer I drove up to an outlook point on the Blue Ridge Parkway to watch the Perseid meteor shower.
6. Given more than you can afford to charity.
Well, that would be a bit irresponsible. I do donate regularly to several charities though.
7. Been to Disneyland/world.
Yes on both. Went to DLand in 2003. DWorld when I was 4, then with Ellen and Michelle in 1990. Last time was in 2002 with G pre-kids.
8. Climbed a mountain.
I am sure that Munchu Pinchu counts.
9. Held a praying mantis.
No way. Why?
10. Sang a solo.
Yes, I was picked for one –”Consider Yourself” in elementary school
11. Bungee jumped.
No way. Again..why?
12. Visited Paris.
Yes. Loved it and ate a ton of bread, cheese and chocolate
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch.
Self taught in orogami. I know you are jealous.
15. Adopted a child.
No. Don’t plan to but you never know.
16. Had food poisoning.
Yes. Was after a wonderful Italian meal so that was really too bad.
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty.
Yes, on a class trip in high school
18. Grown your own vegetables.
No. I kill all plants
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France.
Yeah. It is behind a kajillion panes of glass so..pretty meh after all of the buildup of waiting in line.
20. Slept on an overnight train.
Big time. Eurorailed through most of Europe.
21. Had a pillow fight.
Yes, mostly with my girlfriends cause we are crazy like that
22. Hitch hiked.
Once in high school. We were lucky we were not picked up by a psycho
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill.
Sick? Who? Me? ; )
24. Built a snow fort.
Hello! I grew up in New England. Of course.
25. Held a lamb.
Yes, probably at the last county fair with H.
26. Gone skinny dipping.
Again, this one time at summer camp..
27. Run a marathon.
Yes, did not qualify to run with the “regular” people so lead a blind guy. Kicked my ass.
28. Ridden a gondola in Venice.
Yes, with the Marilyn Monroe poster that is now on my living room wall.
29. Seen a total eclipse.
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset.
Sometimes both in the same day
31. Hit a home run.
No. I played powderpuff softball and sucked at it
32. Been on a cruise.
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person.
No. Want to
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors.
No. Want to go to Russia someday
35. Seen an Amish community.
Yes, G and I took a drive with a group of BMW freaks to Lancaster County. Good pie and bread. mmm. Bread.
36. Taught yourself a new language.
No. Took Spanish thru all of highschool and college then when I did my semester in Madrid it was trial by fire as my housemom did not speak any English.
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied.
Luckily, yes
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person.
Yep. Pretty cool
39. Gone rock climbing.
No – fear of heights.
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David in person.
Yep. He’s hung well
41. Sung Karaoke.
Ah yes. “You’e the One That I Want” with Chef Larry
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt.
43. Bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant.
Yes. Last month in NYC.
44. Visited Africa.
Only Morocco but want to go back.
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight.
46. Been transported in an ambulance.
A few times. I am accident prone
47. Had your portrait painted.
Just as a caracature
48. Gone deep sea fishing.
No- only snorkling
49. Seen the Sistine chapel in person.
Yes, it was an amazing 2 days.
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Yes, and clung to the girders.
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling.
Yep – saw some biiiig sea turtles in Mexico
52. Kissed in the rain.
Yes. Do you like pina coladas?
53. Played in the mud.
Hell, yes. H loves it
54. Gone to a drive-in theater.
There is still one in Baltimore we go to
55. Been in a movie.
56. Visited the Great Wall of China.
No- we were supposed to go to China for our honeymoon, but then…SARS
57. Started a business.
Yes. And still have it today
58. Taken a martial arts class
No. Considering it.
59. Visited Russia.
60. Served at a soup kitchen.
Yes, with Tammy at Miriam’s. I want your eggs!
61. Sold Girl Scout cookies.
Yes, but always was last because I felt used having to go door to door.
62. Gone whale watching.
Yes, while growing up. Good fun, long days.
63. Gotten flowers for no reason.
Just did last week. My hubby rocks
64. Donated blood.
Can’t. Anemic
65. Gone sky diving.
Hells no
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp.
Yes, Auschwitz. Indescribable.
67. Bounced a check.
Um, yes :hangs head:
68. Flown in a helicopter.
No way, no how.
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy.
My orange and yellow teddy bear.
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial.
I drive by it/walk by it at least once a week.
71. Eaten Caviar.
Ah, yes. I heart it
72. Pieced a quilt.
No. I am a bad crafter.
73. Stood in Times Square.
Yes, was there a month ago.
74. Toured the Everglades.
No. And have no desire to do so.
75. Been fired from a job.
Yep. Bastards.
76. Seen the Changing of the Guard in London.
Jolly, yes.
77. Broken a bone.
Yes, a few
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle.
Yes, dated a guy who worked for a florist and drove a Harley.
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person.
No. On my “bucket ;ist”
80. Published a book.
81. Visited the Vatican.
See # 49. Duh
82. Bought a brand new car.
83. Walked in Jerusalem.
No, but I’d really like to some day.
84. Had your picture in the newspaper.
Yeah, a couple of times
85. Read the entire Bible.
In hebrew school and confirmation classes. Zzzzz.
86. Visited the White House.
Yes. I live in D.C.
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating.
Gosh no.
88. Had chickenpox.
No. My brother and all of my freshmen roomates had it. Odd.
89. Saved someone’s life.
90. Sat on a jury.
No, wasn’t chosen
91. Met someone famous.
Let’s see: Wes, Kevin Cosner, Jack Nickolson, Ted K to name a few
92. Joined a book club.
Yes, still belong to one
93. Lost a loved one.
Yes. Big time
94. Had a baby.
Yes. And #93. But I love my kids.
95. Seen the Alamo in person.
No. Another “to do.”
96. Swum in the Great Salt Lake.
97. Been involved in a law suit.
No, thank goodness
98. Owned a cell phone.
Yep. I heart my iPhone
99. Been stung by a bee.
Stung by a bee and found out I was *very* allergic.

What are your 99 things?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

public holiday today..
so nice huh..
but im going to spend my public holiday studying for test
anyway i think i had enough fun. since friday..
so its time to stop playing and study for risk management
not that from fri till now i haven been studying.
but its like minimal time is spent on studying…
argh. why cant i just control my mood and settle down to really study?
my heart just cant concentrate…
im so not studying material.

anyhow i’ve been controlling my diet recently
but it seems like at time i’ll still eat uncontrollably.
from fri till now,
ive been to bukit timah for prata, i only had dinosaur
but aftermath i went to have mac breakfast at 4am, big breakfast.

ytd i acc my sis to collect her lappy
and i ate hell lots of stuff too.
bought a havaianas slipper for 48 bucks. totally like WTH right.
hahaha its discounted price. imagine 60 bucks for a slipper -_-”
then went to have late dinner at my cousin hse

today i went to bugis. had sakae sushi and then dessert.
did some shopping. and i bought a pumps.
came home and i went for supper again.
near nus for prata and off to west coast for some nonsense.
now its 6.30am and im going to slp.
meeting jieying later at 11am to library to study tgt.
haha serious studying, no playing and chatting. (hopefully la)
lols and then will be going to the hairdresser.
i need to trim my hair..
yup so off to slp!
im getting depression soon, becos of my weight and studies.
HAHA!!! 快被逼疯了!!


Oavsett om du gillar hockey eller inte, läs det här. Kul inlägg om skellefteå (josse och julia, något för er? )

“Skellefteå stad härbärgerar ca 35 000 invånare där 87% består av nasala orcher med Boliden-overall eller Skellefteå kraft-toppluva. Med tofs.“

Kul också att det fanns de som uppenbart tog illa upp för inlägget och skulle börja tjafsa. Synd om dom som inte har humor.


Even in the heat, autumn is appearing. Days are getting shorter. Evening is a little cooler. Our walks last longer now that there are leaves on the sidewalks for crunching.

Fall is the quiet season. It’s not filled with the giggles of spring. The loud shouts of summer are gone. It isn’t silent the way that winter is.

Fall is gentler. Softer. Like a slow dance in your living room. Or a car ride at night with the windows down and the wind whipping through your hair.

It’s a time for gardening. There are seeds of freedom and hope to be planted. Things to be left in the dirt until they are strong enough to break through.

I am ready to sit and listen. To read and reflect. I am anxious to not be anxious.

My heart is longing for autumn and the calmness that it brings.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Because walking around in your socks is just so uncool

I got a new travel bag today.  Inside were little bags to put various little things in and a pair of slippers.  Accompanying the slippers was a note that said:


The enclosed slippers are for “short term” use while going through airport security or while on board the aircraft.  They are not intended for normal “apparrel [sic] or footwear use” as they are “one size fits most” and may cause a tripping or falling hazard.

Overuse of quotations aside, I am incredibly amused by this.  The fact that the manufacturers of this bag thought to save airplane passengers from going barefoot, the warning that wearing these might cause you to trip over your own feet…oh, I’m still laughing.

Who am I?

“I am an individual” according to Positivism theory.

“I am the person who has – characeristics” according to phenomenology theory.

“I am a person based on my class” according to Marxist Theory.

And according to postmodernism, there can be no single answer to the question “who am I” and the answer will change with time..

Its interesting to look at single issue from different perspectives.. and the answer will change with time.. Its interesting to look at single issue from different perspectives..

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hvorfor hvorfor hvorfor?

Robyn – with every heartbeat (kan egentlig ikke får nok av den sangen,sorry)

Jeg har nettopp hatt en litt skummel opplevelse. Jeg har vært hjemme hos Marte sammen med en del folk. Greit Hanne, du var der og. Det var kjempe koselig! MEN….

Hvorfor må jeg være så ekstremt redd for mørket? Hvorfor må jeg være livredd? Og hvorfor er jeg redd for å gå hjem alene? Kan noen svare meg på dette spørsmålet? Jeg var redd når jeg skulle hjem istad. Det er jo ikke noe skummelt egentlig. Det går jo alltid som regel greit, men det er bare en frykt. Akkurat slik som lyn og torden. Haha, kanskje ikke fult så ille. JEG ER LIVREDD LYN OG TORDEN, men ja, du skjønner?

Jeg håper virkelig jeg får lappen snart, slik at jeg kan kjøre hvor som helst og når som helst

Human Through and Through

“You are so strong.”  “People look up to you.” “You be alright.” “You are one of the strongest people I know.” “Maybe you should talk to them.” “You are my hero.” “I’m so proud of you and I want to make you proud.” “I do put you on a pedestal.” “I’m hoping she will take your example.” “Everyone is looking to see what you are going to do.”

I’m strange because at times words of encouragement don’t actually encourage me. They make me feel isolated. They make me feel trapped. When people pour their “encouraging” words upon me it makes me feel like I can’t make a mistake because I’d be letting people down. Imagine the pressure you’d feel if you think you could never make a mistake. I mean for goodness sake, I’m human. I make mistakes and I will continue to make mistakes. Yet, I don’t feel like I can go to people and say, “I made this mistake. I need help.”  I can care less about people seeing me make a mistake but I’m too afraid that I’m letting people down.

I never asked to be a “role model”. I never asked anyone to value my opinion. Those that know personally have heard me say, “I’m not perfect and I’m not going to try to be.” For years I have diminished my accomplishments as not to bring attention to myself. I always want to be in the background and not on center stage. I want to be unnoticed. I want to be amongst the crowd. I’d never want to deal with the scrutiny that comes with being placed “out front” but I can’t seem to hide.

I once told a love one, “Don’t put me on a pedestal.” It is going to hurt when I fall off. I don’t think they really understood what I was saying. I NEVER put myself on a pedestal so it is not going to hurt me, it will only hurt them when they realize how human I am. That their “hero” falls down, gets hurt, gets angry, and fails just like everyone else. Only God is perfect. Only God should be on a pedestal.

I just wish people would realize the pressure placed on people when they are unwillingly placed on a pedestal.

I’m human.

I bleed. I cry. I hurt. I fall.

I struggle. I walk. I run. I crawl.

My tears roll to my chin.

My fears sometimes keep me pinned.

Most important of all, I lose more than I win.

-OVW (me)

Caramel Apple Pops

Caramel Apple Pops


Caramel Apple Pops…ahh.

If you’re reading this it is definitely possible that the phrase “caramel apple pop” makes you smile and become instantly immersed in memories of middle or high school. Maybe sucking on the chewy caramel and tangy apple candy in between or in class or maybe at a ballgame or a dance. *smile, tear, play Glory Days*

For those of you (and me) that don’t remember such in-crowd perfection-esque moments from your early adolescence you’re not alone. You may, as I do, remember getting the glorious suckers as a reward for being a huge nerd in English class from your understanding teacher and getting them stuck in your braces. Either way, caramel apple pops can conjure up nostalgic feelings. It ’s possible that you are too young or too old to share in the nostalgia that is packaged with the suckers in my mind. For that, I apologize and will try to find a better topic next time.

No matter your experiences, caramel apple pops deserve a second look. They are the perfect balance of real caramel and a sour/sweet apple. They have the ability to remind children of a fun carnival treat and to remind adults of a fun cocktail. They can insight nostalgia or help create new memories….maybe that’s a stretch. Most importantly, they taste good. If you have the opportunity purchase one do, give caramel apple pops a second look

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Revolution was in the air!

Sigh, I wish I had more time to write here. I like it, to clear my head. But I work so much right now, and I’m so tired when I get home. And I have so much to write that I don’t know where to start. So many people I meet during the days, so many different lives. And so many unjust and frustrating things, that I feel powerless over. Some good things going on too.

Today a couple of friends and me started talking about the song “I wish I was a punkrocker” by Sandi Thom. They started talking about how we should dress up like hippies, and I don’t know, have like a girls night. I love this song, and it makes me wanna do something. It makes me wanna be like some people were back in the days, when people seemed to react to unjustice and make their voice heard. So I said, lets do that! Let’s dress up like hippies and go out and protest about one of the many things that are wrong in the society today. In our city today. They laughed, and said sure and joked about it. But I was serious. Oh how I wish that I could find people that didn’t just complain about injust stuff, but who also wanted to do something. My boss sometimes talks about when he was young, and how they were active in society, spoke their mind when they saw something wrong. “We were out on the barricades!”, he says. Like Sandi sings:

Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

In seventy-seven and sixty-nine revolution was in the air

I was born too late into a world that doesn’t care

Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

The truth about The Steel City

For all those on the negative side of our city (the ones that whine about the big companies being gone, the steel industry being gone, etc.) you need to read the blog entry on Pittsburgh’s Future by Harold D. Miller at the following link.

The Steel City Transformed

The info in the post is also excellent for those that would like to highlight our city to the folks that are here for the G20.


Kudos to Harold for the enlightening article!

HobbyTown USA - model trains

On Wednesday I had to run by a storefront I had seen before, but had not entered. That would be HobbyTown USA right next to BooksAMillion in the shopping center behind Seminole Towne Center Mall. What drew me in was the train model village in the window. I had to have a look after being with the ‘big guns’ over at Amtrak.

I wish these photos would do it justice, but the display is elaborate! The detail and time spent getting this set up must have been pretty tedious. There are details in this small scale set that include a fireman rescuing a cat in a tree.  The water fall, the landscape, just amazing. The whole display belongs to the owner of the store and the employee said it was very old.

The place itself has all types of hobby items from airplanes, to cars, to paint supplies. It is very orderly and well stocked. Kids must love it, especially the miniature car racing track. Have a look:

This is no flat display, it has hills and valleys, a big dip where the water falls, this took a lot of planning. There were train sets of different scales and all the accessories too.  Anyone with children might want to check it out, and that includes adult children who have hobbies, like the model airplanes with motors – it looked like a lot of fun was just waiting to be had!  Here’s their link:

So grab your spouse, child, grandchild, neice, nephew, neighbor and have a look. Gotta be something there of interest!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Insignificant update. XD

So, I’ve started to recap what happened on the days that I couldn’t blog here. I’ve go entries for August 31st, Sept. 1st, 2nd, and 4th. Click on the calendar to get to the respective entries, or just scroll down on this page (for the time being at least). I think I’ll be back on track with the blog soon. That does make me kinda happy ^__^


I won’t get started on today’s events now, since today isn’t over yet, and I prefer bloggin about things during the evening…

In a few minutes, I’m gonna attend a meeting of the CSA (Criminology Students Association), which ties in with my desire to switch my study direction towards the CRIM major.


So, if you’re interested, by all means, go ahead and read the 4 new old entries. If not, well, too bad, but that’s fine too. Perhaps I’ll write more tomorrow, I’m not certain about that yet. Depends on how earlier the roofers wake me up ^^;


(This post will be edited to properly reflect today’s events later :3 )

Bad Relationships?

This week has not been bad so far. I’m slowly getting into a routine for studying. It’s a lot of reading, but i enjoy it. I love studying about the body, and diseases. I’m also taking psychology as an elective. It’s sooo interesting. I have to write a reasearch paper/presentation on some topics, and i’m hoping that bipolar disorder will be one of those topics. I’d love to do some more reasearch, and get to know myself better. I don’t think my bp is that bad, but it has definitely gotten worse over the years. It would be nice to break some of the common misconceptions about people with bipolar disorder. Most people think we are “crazy”.

Anyway, I’ve been trying to get to my studying so that every day i review whatever i went over in class, but i havent gotten to that point yet! I will over the weekend. For example, If i have Medical Terminology, and Anatomy and Physiology one day. I want to come home, and read and study about that. It will be fresh in my mind, so if i re-read it.. I’ll learn it better. However, I’ve been backed up with my reading. I didn’t really study over the weekend. I spent the day at my cousins house. I know.. BAD BAD. I did read at her house though.. like 3 pages! We have 2  classes together!

Oh, I’ve decided that i’m going to stay at Mandl and finish here first. I really need to prove to myself that  i can finish something. Just having a degree will make me feel so much better about myself, and then i’ll Definitely feel capable of going on to nursing school. Besides, It’s only 10 more classes that i have to take before i graduate. Approximately 11 months from now.  That’s not that far.

In other news, here is something that I’ve been wondering about. Why is it that some people are so attracted to bad relationships? There are people that can see that some guys/girls are no good from the start, but they stick with them. Most hope that these people will change. I’ve learned that you cant CHANGE someone. (Not if they are unwilling, which is mostly the case). They wont change because you want them to.

So why is it that when guys/girls treat the other person in the relationship badly, that people stick around? Why is it so hard to let go of someone that CLEARLY isn’t right for you? Do people like the drama in their life? Why is it that when there is a certain person that keeps coming around that you might have had feelings for in the past, but you don’t anymore, keep bugging you but then you keep them around? You could easily Ignore the person, change your number, block them on messengers, or even get a new messenger.. but you don’t? Why?

I’ve experienced all of this, but only ONCE. There was a person that was not right for me, but i stuck around anyway. There is also someone who kept coming around that i had feelings for still, but not like i used to. Everytime, they came around i’d go nuts. I hated that he kept coming around, but i didn’t do anything to stop it.  I’ve only experienced these things ONCE.  I learn from my mistakes. I don’t like going through these things, and so when i have a bad relationship, or i know that someone isn’t right for me. I let them go. I learned, that if you don’t, you’ll just have a hard time later on.

I also see girls picking the WRONG GUYS! For example, they tend to pick guys who aren’t in school, or trying to go to school. They still live with their moms, or don’t work. If they do work, they work in something that isn’t a stable job, and possibly not going to be good to maintain a family in the future. They tend to pick guys that are more interested in being with a bunch of other woman instead of committing to one. OH! They pick guys who do drugs/sell drugs. Ghetto guys! That talk in slang, and guys that are more interested in sex. Gah. They usually think,”If he has sex with me that means he has feelings for me!” Wrong! Guys don’t need to be attached to a woman to have sex with them. For women, its much harder to distinguish Sex, from love. Come on, how many times have you seen a girl that has just a “friends with benefits”, who is the one that ends up getting feelings for someone? The woman. It’s bad to think that by having sex with the guy, he’ll like you more. He won’t. To men, sex is sex.


seriously, this isn't cool, man

i don;’t have a phone.  so you have to e-mail me instead.  what the fuck, i was in brooklyn, that’s all.  i don’t even know how to deal with this.  How do I tell Apple, is there a my-iphone-has-been-stolen form that I can fill out?  they say you have to cancel your service so the predators aren’t allowed access to make calls to…St. Tropez, or whatever.  How do I do that without a phone?

Have you seen my phone?  It’s a 3G iPhone with a hard, white, incase case.  my wallpaper is a picture of my cat, sleeping.  he’s grey.  I think I took a cab back to my place, in fact, I totally did.  Mr. Cab Driver was nice.  I didn’t leave anything in his car, I checked.

Where the fuck is it?  Just give it to me already!  You’re not innarested in my apps anyway, iPhone snatcher.  Oh, and I have a password, so good luck making drug dealing calls to Nigeria or whatever.  I hate you, iPhone jacker.  I hope you get your balls/boobs cut off, somehow, and rot in hell afterwards, you heartless prick/bitch.  Go die in hell.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

District 9

Honestly, I had intended last night’s novella to be a brisk lead-in to one of Avaragado’s celebrated film reviews. I, uh, wandered a bit. Approximately 1500 words of bit. Once I considered that homework and spent hours in front of 1980s TV pretending to write essays that long. Now I do it for fun. Good, wholesome, cathartic fun.

The film I’d intended to review was District 9. On the surface a film about aliens and how we’d deal with them if they turned up unannounced, it’s actually about prejudice: hence the connection with my previous blog. The aliens arrive (in 1982) helpless and easily subjugated, unusually for the science fiction genre, and by 2010 when we pick up the story they’re kept in townships (hence the film’s title) just outside Johannesburg in South Africa. You don’t have to dig deep to spot the analogy; it was filmed in real townships.

It’s a curious film. The first part is presented as a documentary, watching bureaucrat Wikus as he leads his team on a project to relocate the aliens – nicknamed “prawns”. When things go wrong we switch to an objective camera perspective for the fun and games that follow. It’s a mix of genres: part buddy movie in places, often gruesome and gory, but never more than a beat away from comedy or pathos. Lovely swearing too.

Although the analogy to South Africa’s own recent past is in your face for the entire film, it’s not laid on with a trowel. I’m glad, as I hate trowel-based facial analogy delivery.

The lead character Wikus is played by Sharlto Copley, which sounds like an anagram. His lack of fame – this is his first leading role – ensures the documentary sequences have an authentic feel, and for greater realism he improvised much of the dialogue in some scenes. Some people apparently dislike his comedy South African accent, which is a shame as it’s his own. I suspect we’ll see him again though I hope not as Murdoch in The A-Team as rumoured.

A high quirk factor all round. But please, no sequel: not needed.

Avaragado’s rating: unidentifiable meaty chunks

150909: STØVLETTER, EUROSKO, 699,-

I helga lagde jeg en ønskeliste til jul og 18-årsdagen min, 21. november. Det er da jeg kom til å tenke på hvor mye jeg gleder meg til jul. I mine øyne er julestemning noe helt spesielt. På den andre siden, jeg blir like skuffet hvert år. Til tross for at jeg snart fyller 18, er jeg fortsatt like opphengt i gavene, uheldigvis. Familien har tydeligvis bestemt seg for at søskenbarn/tanteunger over 18 ikke får julegave, fordi det er så vanskelig å finne noe å gi. Da ser det ut som jeg må kjøpe en haug med julegaver til meg – en god unnskyldning for å shoppe.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Naruto Shippuden 126: 'Twilight' -- Are You Seriously Kidding Me Here Anime Writers!? Seriously!?

Hey everyone,

Eatencookie here covering this weeks breakdown. Tenrai’s computer has finally learned the horrifying meaning of working overtime and has decide to take an unsuspected vacation. Translation: It isn’t working and wont seem to let him watch the anime because of it, so I am here helping him out.  So lets get right to it, shall we?

Yeah, so sit your ass down and grab some sake! What??? HOW OLD ARE YOU!?

This week starts off of the ultimate power of the Hokage, voting ‘YES’ for alcohol in the day. Jiraiya arrives in Tsunade’s office alerting them to his knowledge of the whereabouts of the Akatsuki’s leader. But of course you can only reveal this in a local place, so off to the Sake bar they go. Tsunade seems more willing than she let on too.

I pity you Sasuke... Never will you sleep safely again... What were you thinking recruiting her?

With Team Hebi, Karin has just zoned in on the fact that they are being tailed by smell. Konoha or Akatsuki? Which one do you really think would be willing to pay a house visit to the people trying to hunt them? Just as Suigetsu is about to set out to find Karin, he is crushed by a screaming Karin and the front door. She has no time to open the door but she has time to consider how hot Sasuke is waking up?

As Team Hebi move out and agree not to ambush the Konoha, Karin asks Juugo for some help with some extra credit work. Using Sasuke’s old sweaty clothes she asks Juugo to use his birds to carry them away in different directions. Now for the main point here… Karin… What exactly do you DO with the clothes after smuggling them away. If the best case scenario is that you cuddle up to them at night like a teddy, then that is still creepy and you need professional help. 0_0

So someone cut him into itty bitty pieces and are now baking him in caldron pots and screaming "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS THEE"?

Konoha realises that Sasuke has created a diversion, so what better thing to do than to you ‘Shadow Clones’ to cover the ground work and out smart Sasuke? Did he really not see that coming from Naruto? As Naruto arrives in a conveniently places opening in the forest, Itachi emerges and Juugo’s bird has landed on the tree. The bird that Naruto was tracking. Itachi takes a guess (or sensed his chakra) and tells Naruto to come out. Naruto doesn’t take any chances with just a little ‘chit chat’ with Itachi and has his Shadow Clones ‘poofed’ by Itachi because of it.

Yes I haven't washed myself in so long I know have life forms living in my cloak... Does that bother you?

Naruto tells Itachi that he isn’t going to run because capturing him is one of his few chances in seeing Sasuke again… Innuendo in there… >;;_> Naruto also tells him that he views Sasuke as more as a brother than Itachi does and then charges. He then has thoughts along the lines of “well this sucks” and “Gosh darn it” when he finds himself being surrounding in mid air by a flock of ravens. Genjutsus get him when he least expects it. Itachi then repeats himself. He just wants to talk.

Tsunade continue their public conversation about the Akatsuki’s location in Amegakure. Jiraiya refuses to allow anyone else to take his position in searching for the Akatsuki leader in Amegakure. As they continue their conversation, and insult the previous Hokage’s ages, Jiraiya states that it is their job to set an example for the nect generation and that he hates to see all Tsunade’s losses inside that clevage of hers. No other man can and things like that into a conversation and get away with it. The man has skills.


Naruto has no time for to find out what Itachi was really aiming at, because he disappears in a flock of swallows to attend to some business. Naruto lies to the others about something happening. When someone says ‘it’s nothing’ you can just tell they are lying. But Naruto asks to more onto the other scent and they are off again.

What WOULD you do without us?

In Konoha again, Tsunade and Jiraiya are in an alley way after she couldn’t handle her drink any longer. So while they have a cool down time, Tsunade asks Jiraiya to come back alive. Jiraiya waggers a bet about that she can bet he’ll die. With her luck he might live. Of course Jiraiya ruins their moment (and crushes a bit of Tsunade’s heart there) with a laugh. He doesn’t want to get dumped so he laughs it off. In the spirit of talks of the past, they decide to talk of Naruto’s parents. Tsunade points out that he is more like his mother, Uzumaki Kushina than Minato. Personality and jutsu-wise. But he looks like his father. Before he leaves, Jiraiya warns her to beware of Root and gives her a thumps up. She cries then, and who can blame her? DAMN IT!!! COOOOOOOME BAAAAAAAAACK!! T_T Well this weeks caption winner is by Supertreck89! Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Where Are You? We got some work to do now! Scooby-Dooby-Doo, Where Are You? We need some help from you now. Come on Scooby-Doo, I see you… pretending you got a sliver But you’re not fooling me, cause I can see, the way you shake and shiver. You know we got a mystery to solve, so Scooby Doo be ready for your act. Don’t hold back! And Scooby Doo if you come through you’re gonna have yourself a scooby snack! That’s a fact! And this weeks Caption! HEHEHE, Have fun Okay I am in a rush, so I must be off! Ja Eatencookie


Short story...

So my college has a festival. And as cynical as I usually am about all such things (read:humbug), I decide to show up after all. Seems they were putting on a better show than our usual slumdog millionaire show every year.

They had this debate about how social networking websites are invading our privacy. And since I have this endearing knack for getting offended about the strangest of things, I decide to participate.

I also win, considering how the rest of the competition was too confused to see someone wielding a stethoscope get onto the podium.

And since all good turns deserve at least another half more…

For the first time in remembered “me” history and generally the history of the world, this “Apsara brand” woman (I’d like to think so) walks up to me and says…

“You speak very well… and I’d like to interact you” (sic).

“Also I’m not that kind of girl”.

I remember being far too stymied to correct her grammar. I remember “Rockstar” playing in the background. I also remember her not calling once.

Sigh. When women suppress good taste.

P.s. I also got first prize in the love letter writing thingie. Remind me to post that here one day.

why aren't you leaving any fucking comments?

Why aren’t you leaving any fucking comments?  This is my way of reaching out to all of you, yeah you, sitting in your fucking offices and hopefully reading my blog because your day is boring.  You think I just write this shit for a blank white wall?

What do I have to do?  Make personalized shot-outs?  Photograph myself in pools of vomit and post the pictures of it?  I put time into all of this, man.

Moosesicle?  Fransicle?  Pandersicle?  Magdersicle? Lizzerbethsicle?*  Anyone out there to engage my useless, unemployed, self-degrading self?

You guys are like, the only 10 or so people who even know about this blog, so perhaps I shouldn’t complain.  Maybe you’re busy doing…work or whatever.  Would you just holler already?  Geez.

*If I forgot to mention you, fuck off.  I’m on my 5th drink of the evening and don’t have to work tomorrow so I’m getting blasted.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Catch & Release

I am watching a movie Catch & Release and it is making me super nostalgic. It is shot in Boulder. My college town. My first destination in US. I spent a year there and have some very and some not so very , fond memories.

The current scene is shot by the ridge. The ridge I used to walk to , from school. I used to do my homeworks in the Boulder Public library which was on this ridge. It was the only way I could be close to water. The other place where this movie is extensively shot is Pear Street Mall.. downtown Boulder. An adorable lil nook – I avoided going there coz everything was so expensive and yet so tempting.

Getting back to the movie – Catch & Release is about this young girl, who is about to get married to a man she has loved for 4 years and the groom dies in an accident a few days before the wedding. The groom’s friends come over to help her get over the tragedy. She is a very strong headed woman and has a great way to deal with her loss. She is still getting over the tragedy and in an emotional moment ends up kissing one of the groom’s best friends. They way she deals with this mishap is amazing. She is a practical woman who really moves on.. very soon .. and takes control of her life. Won’t reveal the details – it is a nice movie to watch to understand some of the practicalities one must learn to deal with when life makes an unwanted turn. And a rating of 5.8/10 is crazy.. This movie deserves a 8/10 .





Favorite Buffy Quotes

Some of my favorite quotes from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”… Don’t judge me!

  • Willow – “[To Xander about Angel] See, you made him do that thing where he’s gone!”

Buffy – “Do I like shrubs?”

Xander – “That’s between you and your God.”

  • Drusilla – “[About the stars]…But I’ve named them all the same name and there’s terrible confusion!”

Angel – “[About Buffy] To kill this girl, you have to love her.” (Not funny, but great quote)

  • Giles – “[Sarcastically about Joyce's zombie-makin' mask] Do you like my mask? Isn’t it pretty? It raises the dead!”

Willow – “Yea, I’m fine. The shaking is a side affect of the fear.”

  • Willow – “A doodle. I do doodle. You too. You do doodle too.”

Willow – “Occasionally I’m callus and strange.”

  • Willow – “Say, you all didn’t happen to do a bunch of drugs, did ya?”

Oz – “Our lives our different than other people’s.”

  • Oz – “Well, on the plus side you killed the bench which was lookin’ shifty.”

Xander – “[About Willow] I believe that’s the dance of a brave little toaster.”

  • Giles – “Xander, don’t speak Latin in front of the books.”

Xander – “[About a flattened nickel] Washington’s still there but he’s all smooshy. And he might be Jefferson.”

  • Spike – “Is everyone here very stoned?!”

Xander – “[To Jonathan and Andrew] Boys, if you don’t knock it off I will pull this car over and you can walk to your painful death’s from here!”

  • Dawn – “I know: You never know what’s coming, the stake is not the power, “To Serve Man” is a cook book…”

Xander – “Party in my eye socket and everybody’s invited! … Sometimes I shouldn’t say words…”

  • Giles – “You think I’m evil if I bring a group of girls on a camping trip and don’t touch them?”

Spike – “[About Xander] I’m insane, what’s his excuse?”
