Sunday, November 22, 2009

it's *almost* bordering on my earlier threat to quit.

Reasons YOU need to get your ass in gear and send your thankfulness to me.


(dearbooshy at hotmail dot com)

1. The deadline is Tuesday…I think we’ve procrastinated enough.

2. You probably need to remind yourself why you married him…or her.

3. It’s like free advertising…just without the super-massive-fifty-million-views-exposure…but we’re *almost* there (that just made me laugh…a sardonic, never-in-your-lifetime-keep-dreaming laugh)

4. There isn’t a test at the end…so think of it like major extra credit…or something…with chocolate.

5. A day of thankfulness would be really depressing without any well, thankfulness.  Which is completely circular and the result of such a catastrophe would probably send me on a downward spiral into crazyville, and I know you don’t want that on your conscience.

6. Babs just told me to shut the hell up all, “Don’t be a brat. You can’t force anyone to DO anything.” I simply reminded her that the reason she didn’t run off, “sayonara, asshole” was because of my super-stealth plan called Moxie.  Follow the logic? No? Let me help: you don’t want to be the recipient of my super-stealth plan.

7. It’s the right thing to do. 

8. You’ll need an escape for when you’ve reached the in-law/child/random uncle exposure maximum all, “I need to go meditate and remind myself why I didn’t just strangle you.”

9. It will probably make your bloggy-friends realize they need to stop being all whiny and mopey…or at least give them one day of, “Wow! I love everything…The trees! The thorny bushes!  The carpet fibers! The cat’s ass!”

10. You’d be the start of a tradition…and who doesn’t like to be able to say, “I STARTED THAT. I participated the FIRST DAMN TIME…I’ll bet you can’t say THAT. Exactly. I’m awesome.”

And we all like to be awesome.

Like the awesome people who have already sent their thankfulness.

At least they’ll be able to breathe easy come Thursday…

(and if you’re one of those few breathing easy…feel free to leave lots of chiding, guilt-inducing comments)


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