In a time in which is seems patriotism is dead, I observed last night that it is very much alive. I was so moved that it brought me to tears. I think the fact it was my last game as a student also played into my emotions, but that is beside the point.
It was during the half-time show that I noticed that people still overwhelmingly love America. Every home game our band performs a themed show and this week was a ‘Salute to America and our Armed Forces’ show. They had a member of our armed forces from each branch that proudly carried their flag across the field and a member of each branch was honored during the performance. When the booming voice on the speakers asked everyone to ‘please stand,’ everyone that I could see did without blinking or thinking twice.
What really got to me about this performance was when the announcer asked everyone to continue standing as we took a moment to honor those who were lost at Fort Hood. It was amazing to see over 100,000 people silent and paying their respects. Well, except for the couple of drunken guys behind me. I almost turned around and told them to have some decency.
After the performance, a few members of our armed forces walked by our section. It was quite astonishing to see so many of my fellow students stand up, cheer for them and yell out ‘thank you.’
This whole thing reminded me that there are people out there who still love our country and that respect the men and women who sacrifice so much to ensure that we may all retain our freedoms. It also solidified the notion in my mind that I will do whatever it takes to make sure that America stays who she is. I refuse to lie down and let some radical politicians change everything that I love about the land I am so blessed to be a part of. I know I’m not alone in this way of thinking. We need to band together and show these Washington cronies that we won’t stand for this. It needs to stop, and it needs to stop now.
Oh, and if you were wondering, we beat Vanderbilt (31-16)!
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